Fan Art Friday

Fan Art Friday – Fan-made Songs


Last time we covered fan-made videos and this time we’re taking a slight spin on that. Shows, games, movies and even books sometimes present us with beautiful songs that stick with the fans. There’s quite a few games and movies that are almost universally hated, but praised for their soundtrack.

It’s no wonder, then, that the more musically talented fans often cover these songs and put their own spin on them. Some even take it further than that and go so far as to write and compose entirely original songs, just for a game or show they like.


Fan Art Friday – 3 Great Fan Videos

This Fan Art Friday we took a slightly different approach. While fans can make the most beautiful drawings, it is hardly the only way they show their love to the books, games or series that inspired them. Sometimes they want more than a still image.

So this time, let’s look at some fan made videos.


A Week of Thrones – Fan Art

When we started Fan Art Friday, we intended to make it a bi-weekly thing. Now though, with the next season of Game of Thrones so close, we just had to take some time to show you this beautiful art made by the fans.
